@Jayde my god I wanna work where you work! I do have to pay mine back if I don't returns but I can use holiday to cover the notice period if needed. It's 2 months for me. I get 4 months full pay 4 months half with SMP and then SMP until it reaches unpaid
I want to work where you all work! 😂😂 I had the standard 6 weeks of 90% of wage from the last 12 weeks before going on mat leave and now just SMP from week 6-39 and then nothing 😭😭 it's hard!
@Louise I work for Avis car rental, and honestly, it's a great company, but my manager is amazing.
Depends on the company, I get full pay for 6months and have to return for 6 months (not allowed to hand my notice in for those 6months) or I'd have to pay back
Best dig out my policy to check. Undecided what I will do yet though
Dependant on company policy. Check your contract x
For most companies it does, but it will be in your maternity policy. My company gives 6 months enhanced but we don't have to pay it back if we don't return, but they give a £1500 welcome back bonus.