Building a career with financial stability is no joke. It’s time to get real about money. Explore expert advice and real stories from real women on Peanut.
I don’t understand my works policy at all despite asking. I know I don’t get any pay for a kit day when being paid my full wage. But what about when I get SMP?
I’m currently a SAHM and a college student . I have a few things under my belt building my own business , medical background, travel agent , med tech and now in school to be a teacher for littles 💓 or something in that nature . I want to make an impact on our children & be apart of the community that makes a…
Does anyone knows about any legit jobs from home ?
For those of you that don’t have holidays days etc to use up for maternity leave. How many weeks did/will you work up until? I’m 36 weeks and am starting to feel really fed up, I have initially put next Friday as my final date but am feeling very exhausted.
Hey, I'm Bristol based, does anyone know of any WFH jobs going please? My current role is in care & they've hardly been giving me shifts since returning from maternity leave.
STrESSED - trying to work out my return to work. How are you supposed to live, pay everything then nursery on top !! Not to mention afterschool and holiday club for my eldest boys. My mum helped me out with my other 2 boys but unfortunately her health has deteriorated so can’t help now :( and my husbands family are...
For those that have the 30 hours free funding, do you have to pay a £60 reservation fee to secure the place and also have to now pay for meals?
I am looking for a remote job. I have 2 years of outpatient medical coding experience. If anybody has any contacts/info I would greatly appreciate it.
My baby just turned 13 months today. I had a hard time with insurance after birth with my husband’s insurance claiming the baby is insured under mother and my insurance claiming baby is insured under father.( I added baby to my insurance but according to the birthday rule it is my husband?-makes no sense) anyway aft...
Do you still get your maternity holiday accrued paid for, along with normal leave and notice? Boss is really fucking me over, he agreed to do a settlement but I don't know what I'm entitled to regarding mat leave holiday. (Going to call pregnant than screwed tomorrow/ACAS)
First time flying. Hoping I won't need a form. Shall I call triage to ask a midwife?
Hi! How are you all coping with the thought of going back to work? I should be off until the beginning of May but just thinking about returning to work stresses me out. She will stay at home with me until September, that’s when she will go to nursery 3 days a week but it just upsets me to think that we won’t have...
Do you independently earn your own money ?
Is there any work from home jobs? I want to be home more with my son
What are we investigating in for our kids? Like what 529s are we looking at or have the best recommendations. Im looking at Florida Prepaid the 4 year university plan with a dorm. I also would like help with recommendations on a IRA Roth account and a savings account.
Living with my family isn't working out. Working on my exit. I'm in nursing school my schedule is a bit crazy. Monday I'll be gone from 9a to 9p and Thursday 4p 6 or 9p I've tried signing up for delivery jobs but they're waitlisted.. Tryingnto get into a hotel..
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