Real Talk: Michelle Kennedy on Life as a Working Mum

Real Talk: Michelle Kennedy on Life as a Working Mum

This article is sponsored by MALTESERS, a supporter of Peanut and women alike.

Being a working mum is tough.

There’s no doubt about it.

You’re juggling two full-time jobs, pulled in two different directions, and everything’s a priority.

But it’s also incredibly rewarding.

You get to see your children grow and learn, and you get to be a role model for them while having your own career (if you choose to or need to, both are valid), and being your own person.

So we thought it was time for us to have a chat with our founder, Peanut CEO and working mum, Michelle Kennedy, about the realities of working motherhood.

We, along with MALTESERS® as part of their Let’s Lighten the Load® campaign, are here to bust myths, break stigmas, and shine a light on all that working mums do to make the world go ‘round.

In this article: 📝

  • How do you balance work and childcare?
  • What are the biggest challenges you face as a working mum?
  • How do you stay motivated and productive as a working mum?
  • How has being a working mum changed your perspective on life?
  • What are some of the things you’ve had to give up as a working mum?
  • What are some of the things you’ve gained as a working mum?
  • What is your vision for the future of working mums?
  • What is your message to other working mums?

How do you balance work and childcare?

I don’t really believe in work-life balance. I think it’s just another way to put pressure on women.

We’re supposed to have this perfect balance between our work and our personal lives, and when we don’t, we feel like we’re failing. It’s like, ‘Oh my god, I’m not doing this right.’

I think what we’re all doing is juggling.

We’re all trying to figure out how to make it all work, and sometimes we do, and sometimes we don’t.

And I think the most important thing is to be kind to ourselves and to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves, feeling like we have to have it all figured out when, in reality, we don’t.

We’re all human, and we’re all going to make mistakes. I know I do, and I’m still learning every day.

“I don’t really believe in work-life balance.”

What are the biggest challenges you face as a working mum?

The guilt is real. It’s forever with you the moment you have a child. I remember when I went back to work after my first, the motherhood guilt felt hugely conflicting.

As much as I adore my job, it’s hard to know that I may be missing key milestones as my children grow up. Travelling for work adds a whole other dimension to that guilt.

On the other hand, as much as I want to be with my children, I also want to show them that mummy goes to work, just like daddy.

When I think back to when I had my first child, I definitely felt the urge to return to work and show how I was the same old Michelle and nothing had changed.

When in fact, everything had changed.

Whether you decide to return to work or not, stop second-guessing your decisions and do what feels right for you and your family.

“When I went back to work after my first, the motherhood guilt felt hugely conflicting.”

How do you stay motivated and productive as a working mum?

Just taking a few minutes for myself makes a world of difference.

One of my absolute favourite moments of the day is when I take off my makeup and put on some face oil. It’s such a simple act, but it’s almost meditative for me.

Finding those little moments of enjoyment, whatever they may be, is key. It doesn’t have to be a huge self-care routine ‒ just taking the time to do something that brings you joy and relaxation can do wonders.

Another thing that keeps me motivated is instilling a strong work ethic in my children. I’ve always seen the value of hard work, and I want my kids to understand that, too.

Both of my parents were incredibly hardworking, and it’s something I’ve carried with me.

I want my children to know that working hard is not just about achieving success, but also about building things and making positive changes in the world.

“I’ve always seen the value of hard work, and I want my kids to understand that, too.”

How has being a working mum changed your perspective on life?

I do not think we adequately celebrate the strength of being a mother. From the moment you consider conception all the way through to pregnancy, birth and motherhood, it’s a lot.

Nothing anyone could have said would have prepared me for this chapter. I read the books, I did the courses, yet as soon as I became a mother, I felt like I knew nothing.

It’s been the most challenging and the most rewarding journey of my life so far.

It makes you stronger, it gives you a true sense of worth and purpose, and it shifts your priorities.

I trust my gut now more than ever. A mother’s intuition is somewhat magical. You know instantly that there’s something wrong. Don’t question it.

“I do not think we adequately celebrate the strength of being a mother.”

What are some of the things you’ve had to give up as a working mum?

As a working mum, there’s no denying that there are certain things I’ve had to give up or make sacrifices for. It’s a balancing act that requires constant juggling and prioritising.

But the hardest thing for me to give up was the idea that there’s no such thing as having it all, at least not all at once. There are days when I can fully dedicate myself to being a brilliant CEO, pouring my energy into growing the Peanut app and making a difference in the lives of women around the world.

Other days, my focus is on being a present and loving mother, nurturing and cherishing the moments with my children. And then there are days when I strive to be the best wife I can be, supporting my partner.

But rarely, if ever, do all of these roles align perfectly on the same day and at the same time. And that’s the reality I’ve come to embrace.

It’s important for me to acknowledge that I can prioritise different areas of my life at different times, rather than striving for an elusive idea of ‘having it all’.

“The hardest thing for me to give up was the idea that there’s no such thing as having it all…”

What are some of the things you’ve gained as a working mum?

Without my experience as a mother, Peanut wouldn’t exist! My son and my daughter are the driving force behind my passion and determination.

I want to do well for them, not only for them to be proud of me but also for them to witness firsthand the values of hard work, resilience, and bravery that lead to success.

Becoming a working mum has also made me a more patient version of my previous self.

It’s amazing how motherhood has the power to cultivate patience within us. And when it comes to juggling the demands of work and family, I’ve become more skilled at multitasking and managing my time effectively ‒ because, frankly, I’ve had to.

It’s a constant learning process, but I’ve discovered new ways to navigate the challenges and find balance.

“It’s amazing how motherhood has the power to cultivate patience within us.”

What is your vision for the future of working mums?

I see a future of empowerment, support, and recognition. I firmly believe that women, especially mothers, play a vital role in shaping our world. They’re not only nurturing and raising the next generation but also contributing to the economy.

It’s about creating an environment that values and accommodates the needs of working mothers, whether it’s through flexible work arrangements, accessible childcare options, or equal opportunities for career growth.

It’s about breaking down the barriers and biases that often hinder the progress of working moms and providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed both personally and professionally.

Working mums should not be made to feel guilty or judged for pursuing their careers while raising a family. Instead, they should be recognised for their ability to balance multiple responsibilities and contribute meaningfully to both their families and the workforce.

It’s why the MALTESERS Let’s Lighten the Load® campaign is so fundamentally important ‒ from the Let’s Lighten the Load® White Paper, it’s clear that there are actionable ways we as employers, colleagues, friends, family, partners, and society, in general, can help working mums.

“I firmly believe that women, especially mothers, play a vital role in shaping our world.”

What is your message to other working mums?

We all have our own unique journeys, everyone moves forward at their own pace, and progress means different things to different people. Your baby will reach milestones in their own time, and you will navigate your own professional and personal growth at your own speed.

Embrace where you are in life and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. Stay focused on your own path and don’t worry about what others are doing. You are doing an amazing job.

Secondly, never say no to help. I remember when I became a first-time mum, I had this notion that I had to do everything myself. But the truth is, there are no rewards for being a hero and doing it all alone.

When people offer their support, whether it’s watching the baby so you can have a nap or taking the kids to their afterschool club, take it! You deserve the rest and assistance, and ultimately, it benefits both you and your baby. Don’t hesitate to lean on your support network and allow others to be there for you ‒ there are a whole lot of MotherLovers out there!

Another piece of advice I want to share is to embrace your unique strengths and use them to your advantage. Your differences can be powerful assets that can disarm people’s expectations.

Be exactly who they don’t expect you to be and show the world what you’re capable of. Embrace your individuality and let it shine in all aspects of your life.

Lastly, remember that not everyone will be on this journey with you, and that’s okay. Whether it’s in your professional or personal life, not everyone will understand the dedication and sacrifices it takes to be a working mum.

As time goes on, some relationships may naturally evolve or fade away. It doesn’t mean that you’ve changed or that you’re doing something wrong.

Cherish the ones who truly support and uplift you, those who are there for you through thick and thin. They are your ride-or-die, and they are the ones who truly matter.

Join our Peanut group all about Work & Motherhood to connect, share tips, and be part of a supportive network.

And don’t forget to check out the MALTESERS Let’s Lighten the Load® campaign, celebrating and supporting working mums from all walks of life, in all industries and roles, across the UK.

Let’s Lighten the Load®, together.

MALTESERS, in partnership with Comic Relief, is working towards a future where women no longer face injustice. Together, we’re working to lighten the load for working mums and help women thrive. Find out more about this:

Mars Wrigley is donating £500,000 in 2023 to Comic Relief, operating name of Charity Projects, registered charity in England & Wales (326568) and Scotland (SC039730).

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