Help - I’m confused!
First time using easy@home ovulation strips. I have a 34 day cycle and today is CD16. The instructions say to start testing on CD18 for a 34 day cycle but I thought I’d start a bit early today and have got what looks to me like a high/peak result but I have nothing to compare it to! These are both from 11am this morning (photo taken at 4minutes). I did two because I thought the first one might be a dud as it has the weird two-tone on the test line. I’ll test again later this afternoon but I’m panicking because we have not yet BD at all this cycle and I’m worried we should have BD yesterday to increase chances! But also worries as I have nothing to compare to maybe my LH is high all the time? I have PCOS. Any thoughts very welcome please!! 🙈
I'd say that's a peak! In my cycles I ovulate a little later than is usual so definitely for a while test morning and evening from the day your period ends! You should catch a pattern then xx