Hey Madie- unsure if it’s your cup of tea or not but whilst on mat leave with my 3 year old, I started up my own travel business. It’s been so good I’m still doing it and it’s currently subsiding my mat leave I’m on now with my baby boy. The business has two sides to it - booking holidays and earning commission and the marketing side, whereby you earn from an affiliate link. I didn’t need any experience as I was given total training and I’ve earned a decent salary from it - as commissions are 10-28%. Might be something you can looking into if interested in it. Happy to send you the website for the team I used if so and answer any questions you have x
@Jenny can you send me more info pls
There's a Facebook Group called WFH baddies..i believe that's the name. They post wfh mom friendly jobs all of the time. Data entry is what I'd recommend and any skill that you have that you can freelance on Fiverr with. Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Professional Reviews, Email Marketing etc.