I had my right tube removed at the same time, and the 2 cycles I’ve had since have been longer than the ones I had before. I used to have 24 day cycles with ovulation around day 10. This cycle I didn’t get peak LH strip until day 14 so I’m guessing I ovulated day 15.
@Ellie this is good to know! Thank you ☺️
@Sandi hi did you get any similar symptoms to ectopic? Xx
You will still ovulate from the right ovary as the surgery was to remove the tube. You will conceive as normal as the tube on the left side is able to retrieve the egg - the tube moves around to get the egg as a way to compensate for the loss of the tube. I'm not familiar with testing to be honest. I had an ectopic in Jan 2021, conceived in July and now I am currently pregnant with my second. Good luck hun