You have the right to ‘Voluntary Termination’ under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 - Section 99 however depends on if you have paid at least 50% so far and your type of agreement. Worth looking at your contract and doing some research. You can start here:
See if you can get a bank loan to pay off the car debt , interest rates usually lower, then pick the amount you pay back the bank to half the amount, then you get to keep the car, just pay the car back over a longer term, xx
Happy to talk privately if you prefer, I work in a bank so might be able to help a little or at least give a little guidance as I deal with this kind of thing quite often (or did before mat leave, just gone back)
Have you paid at least 50% of the agreement with EVERY payment being on time and in full? If so, then you're entitled to hand the car back and walk away! If not, then ring the finance company to see if there is anything they can do to help you, as they would rather try to help than risk you falling behind on payments x
Is it with a finance company? If so It’s way cheaper to get an actual loan from a bank, lower interest rates etc. I had 2 years left on my finance and I took out a loan to pay it off which reduced my payments by £50 a month and also took 6 months off the repayment time