4 days (28h) They upped my pay during my mat leave, so that I was able to go back on 4 days but on my previous 5-day salary. I was very lucky. I'm about to go on mat leave again in a few weeks.
I work 37.5 so full time, 5 days a week. But I got a job that is a 5 minute walk from my house so that I can be home quick and leave as late as possible in the morning… considering I live in a tiny village with only about 4 businesses in it, I got very lucky! Could you get a job working from home?
I work Thursday to Saturday, 2pm-10pm and my mum has my daughter for me and I love my 4 days off with her. I pick up the odd shift where I can when my mum can have her. I work 24 hours and I claim universal credit too.
I work everyday 8-1 so I do 25 hours x
I used to do 48hrs(8:00-20:00 for 4days)before going for Mat Leave but discussed and agreed with my manager that I need to reduce to 36hrs(8:00-20:00 for 3days) on resuming back to work so I can provide childcare. And I am most grateful as this allow us to spend time with our little boy, and my husband work alternate days to my work rota.
I work 3 days a week!!! Im in dallas, lmk if you need a job!
I’ve been working 3 days since Jan but going to 4 days in 2 weeks time just so we can save again as it’s been a bit tight! Feel bad going back an extra day but it will benefit her in the long run I guess x
I work 2-3 days per week. I would rather spend the time with my child whilst she’s little than earn more money.
40 hours over 4 days x
I work 24hours, over 3days a week and it's definitely enough for me, I love having 2days off to spend with my little boy