Corporate trainer, HR but might need training, personal assistant, project manager. If you live near london, secretaries in some companies get paid more than us.
I’m also stuck. Can’t afford to not teach and take a pay cut elsewhere as I’m the main breadwinner.
I really looked into this before taking another permanent role and to be honest I found nothing. Everything requires training before reaching anywhere near a teacher's wage (even that of an NQT in many instances). For me it was also factoring in things like pension and childcare over school holidays - a lower wage with potentially higher costs. Now we plan for me to tough it out for a few more years and then look again when he is in school full time :(
It depends… What’s your degree in? Do you have any other work experience or did you go straight into teaching? Do you definitely hate teaching in itself, or is it possible you’re working in a toxic school? Is it worth changing schools before leaving the profession entirely?
There are lots of different options out there besides traditional schools. After I got reprimanded for taking my class outside to go sledding in the snow, I left my traditional school. I work at an outdoor school now and love it! Totally different attitudes about education and the parents are 100x more relaxed and chill
There's a Facebook group called Life After Teaching - Exit the Classroom and Thrive and there's lots of posts about what jobs people have gone into. I'm not quite ready to leave teaching yet but it does give you lots of ideas x
Interested in people’s responses to this!