If this is the UK, you don’t need to pay back ANY Mat leave if you don’t return, that’s insane! Definitely not true
As long as you give notice ^ for example I have 1 months notice, so 1 month before Mat leave is done I will tell them I’m not returning, they will still need to pay me for that month
In the Uk you pay back ENHANCED maternity pay. If you only receive statutory then you don’t pay back.
It depends if you’ve received enhanced/occupational pay. I work for the NHS as above mentioned and I have to return for at least 3 months.
Check your employment contract, that’s the only way you find out wether you need to pay back or not. So simple. I left my job after mat leave and didnt need to pay back anything. I received full pay for 6 months plus the statutaory for an additional 3 months. Based in London.
I’m on a zero hour contract which states I wouldn’t be entitled to mat pay but I’ve still been paid it x
I’m also uk based x
Statutory maternity you do t need to pay back and I don't think you receive it if you're not entitled as it comes from the government as long as you're eligible
And this is on the maternity action site about zero hour contracts
I’m not sure where you are based, but I’m based in the UK and work for the NHS. This would be the same for me. If I didn’t return to the NHS for a minimum of 3 months following my mat leave, then I would have to pay back my occupational maternity pay (not statutory maternity pay). A friend of a friend had to pay it back when she didn’t return (NHS based). However I guess different organisations will vary 🙂