I did not know that, I will have to look into that, thank you so much!!
No worries, all the best x
Just to add, that only applies if the company is giving you enhanced mat leave or some bonus, they can't ask back SMP since it's the government paying it. I get SMP, but I will get an extra month worth of wage when I get back as long as I stay for a set amount of time (not an issue for me since I have no plan to quit)
@Giorgia thank you I was wondering since my pay is government paid and I wasnt at my job long enough for enhanced maternity leave
The day before I was supposed to return I resigned
I absolutely wouldn't say anything before you leave. You risk it being viewed as a resignation and losing out of mat leave pay. Also, you may change your mind and decide you do want to continue working. If you haven't already done so, I would recommend reading your company policy on leaving the business after taking mat leave - some companies have something known as a claw back clause. This means they require you to return to work for a set time after you've finished mat leave before you can resign (it's 6 months for me), or they'll ask for some of your mat leave pay back. In reality, a lot of companies will not act on this clause as it looks pretty poorly on them to do this to a new mother, but it's still legal for them to do so x