Splitting up PFL

Has anyone split up their paid family leave before and if so, how did you do it? I know we get 8 weeks that need to be taken before your child turns 1 and that you don’t have to take it all at once. I used 4 weeks of PFL before returning to work so I still have 4 weeks left. I am planning to take 2 weeks over the thanksgiving holiday and 2 weeks over the Christmas holiday. Do I have to open up a new claim with EDD for each timeframe? Just not sure how to navigate this with EDD to make sure I still get paid. Also can I submit the claims with EDD before I go out on leave or do I have to wait until the first day I start each leave to file the claims?
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Hi I’m doing this too. You should just need to email HR and let them know the weeks your taking! That’s all I had to do

I saved 2 weeks. Taking 1 week for Thanksgiving and 1 week for Xmas but they have to be 5 consecutive days at a time. example (M-F or W-Tu)

Christmas is on a Wednesday so I started my week Wednesday December 18th and will end Tuesday December 24th Christmas Eve. Then I’ll have Christmas Day already off with work holiday

Ive been waiting almost 4 weeks to be paid, I’m so sad!

@Amanda the issue isn’t my work, I’ve already informed HR at my company. I’m not just sure how to file the claims with EDD when you are split up the time.

I’m I’m not too sure I guess every company is different. Paid maternity leave is given by your work unless you’re going through the state… my company is based on the east coast not in California so maybe that is why

I used a consultant to help navigate my leave and work with my HR (because they definitely don't help as much as they should) and they were amazing! https://www.californiamaternityleave.com/ Definitely worth the nominal fee to have everything laid out and planned by a professional and take into account my private disability in coordination with all the federal and state leaves available.

@Amanda yes this is for California Paid Family Leave which is a benefit provided by the state.

Great question, I too would like to know this for the holidays and am from CA. I imagine you have to file each time

With my husband, he went back online and was able to select certain dates that he wanted it for. No new claim was opened

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