Hi girl, give me a message!! x
I was told I was overweight when pregnant - not helpful - what was I sposed to do - go on a diet while pregnant - don’t think so - also upsetting bc dealt with ed in past - I would possibly ignore/ complain about this midwife
I was told that I was overweight, with a high BMI (bordering on obese) when I was fitting into size 10s! I would try not to fixate on the weight, hard I know ❤️ it's something that I remind myself after losing a lot of weight over 18 months
Hey love bug, I struggle with my weight and I them to not tell me what I weight. It’s in my charts not to put it on my after visit summery, don’t tel me when you weigh me, I don’t want to know. My nurses are very very good about it and never question when I step onto the scale backwards. As for pre-eclampsia BMI I’m pre-pregnancy does higher your chances of getting that and GD. For pre-eclampsia take 2 baby aspirin every day. I take mine at night with my other pills. It lowers your risk. I’ve had 2 doctors tell me that as it lowers your chances of getting it. I had pre eclampsia with my first and got induced at 37 weeks. Wishing you the best dear, don’t fret too much if you need anything my DMs are open 🖤 sending love!
Hi love, I am 25+3 weeks and on medication to prevent preeclampsia due to high blood pressure. Please don’t worry at this stage, it can be managed! If the midwife thinks risk requires a consultant she will refer you and the doctor will take it from there with management of this, everything will be fine!X
Yes my bmi is high caught pre eclampsia at 33 weeks. I wasn’t taking my aspirin as I should also.
Hello! I am underweight for my BMI and I was told to start taking aspirin for preeclampsia. I was told this is standard now and they have everyone start taking aspirin to help prevent it.
I was not at increased risk of pre-e but was told it was standard to prescribe baby aspirin to help prevent it's development. I took aspirin my whole pregnancy, never had a high BP, all my lab work was normal and yet I still developed pre eclampsia with severe features during labor! I would just recommend following your providers advice.
Hey! I've always struggled with my weight and had a high bmi. My OB was very great, never pestered me or commented on it. She put me on 2 baby aspirins until 36 weeks as a precaution to lower the risk of pre-eclampsia. I never got pre-eclampsia and no complications during pregnancy or birth. Gave birth at 39 weeks 6 days to a healthy baby girl. Try not to give too much thought about your weight - especially now during pregnancy - you don't want the added stress. Just enjoy being pregnant.
I have a bmi that indicates I’m obese. None of the doctors I saw ever mentioned anything about my weight, just to plan no more weight gain than 20 lbs in my pregnancy, but didn’t give me a hard time even though I gained more. I was on 1 baby aspirin a day until 12 weeks and 2 from 12 weeks until I gave birth, but that was because I have a clotting disorder and a history of miscarriages. I also had gestational hypertension and was on labetalol for my pregnancy. I had no blood pressure issues after that and stopped all medication after my baby was born.
At my 8 week appointment everything was healthy. As my pregnancy developed I was borderline pre-eclampsic, high BP and protein present in my urine. I was monitored closely the whole pregnancy. The protein would be there one appointment and not there the next. My BP would be fine one appointment and not the next. It was rather stressful. On the day I had my LO I had a check in with my midwife and have high BP (measured between contractions) and protein in my urine (this was 12 noon). By 3 I was ready to go to hospital for monitoring. I was then admitted for monitoring to keep an eye on my BP during labour. As soon as she was born everything went back to normal and we had no more worries or concerns around it
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