So sorry you’re experiencing such poor treatment. Might be worth checking out this group on Facebook. The work from home hub post a lot of remote roles in the UK
Thank you! And honestly anything. Just need to earn £1500 a month so UC don’t put me in the work search group xx
Have you checked sites like
@Charlotte really depends on the company, the place I work at is fully remote and very accommodating to new parents
The best thing would be just to start your own business and be your own boss. I'm a self-employed social media manager since before my son was born and its worked out great as I can work whenever from home so if there's days I can't work I just don't. If you maybe have a skill you're good at you might want to offer it freelance.
My work doesn’t pay maternity leave either but I like the option that I don’t owe them anything if I decide to leave x
I'm sorry to hear that 🙁 what kind of jobs are you looking for