It depends heavily on your job and the demands/schedule of it. I don't know what yours will be like but for me I absolutely could not do it if my job wasn't incredibly flexible. I don't work a set schedule, I basically just have lists of things that need done and deadlines for them and I work whatever hours work for me and my kids to get things done in time. Basically all communication is over email so no trying to manage phone calls or zoom meetings with kids. But having a routine and setting up fun independent play and encouraging that (with of course lots of interactive play when you're not working to balance it out) help a ton too
I don’t lol. I thought I could work from home remotely and still care for my girls, but I found that it is nearly impossible to concentrate while having to care for them full time. I also refuse to leave my children under anyone else’s care except their father at least until they are old/big enough to talk and defend themselves physically. I learned from a child development psychologist that it is really detrimental to leave our children under the age of three , under anyone else’s care. so if I wanted to work remotely from home, I would have to have my husband care for the girls for a couple hours while I worked. My issue is, my husband is outside of the home for work from 5 AM to 6 PM. Usually 5 to 7 days a week so I chose to put my work on hold until my youngest one which is 10 months now is more independent around three to work. In the meantime, I am studying and attending zooms but not actively employed for anyone or focusing on selling.
I don’t work but all my friends who do work from home say it’s impossible to work and care for your children at the same time. I suggested choosing one or the other; there is always daycare. Especially if it’s a new job, you’ll need to focus more on it.
Mine is supposed to be very flexible and I can choose my own times to work. But I do worry about not being able to take care of the baby while doing that
I tried it for a while. At the same time as it started to get challenging, is when the company went under and we got let go. Then baby started to become mobile and it would’ve been impossible. I had a flexible job too. No strict hours. Work when I can. Minimal zoom meetings etc.
I'll probably try it while also trying to get daycare
My job is remote too. And I absolutely cannot have background noise. So sometimes it's hard. Especially when my husband is late getting back from wherever he goes during the day. And sometimes he won't even tell me when he's not going to be on time. Sadly I have had to place my son in front of the TV in his swing to keep him occupied for even a couple of hours during my shifts.
My employer doesn't care, but I care. I'll probably look at childcare options
Most jobs you can't. Most employers don't allow it. You need separate child care even if you work from home.