Sorry to jump on. My employer seems to think a risk assessment doesn’t have to be carried out till 20 weeks?
@Holly I’ve had a risk assessment in place since I was 5 weeks pregnant 😅 so I guess it all depends on an employer
Not a teacher but know a friend who either had lunch duties reduced or they only did very quiet communal areas for duties in secondary school
Your employer has to do a risk assessment once you’ve informed them in writing of your pregnancy. Doesn’t matter what your job is or how far along you are when you tell them. Working families as some advice and templates if you need it:
As previous SBM and H&S Manager, yes, it needs to be completed as soon as you declare you're pregnant. Employer has a legal responsibility to conduct a RA with you
Hope this helps
Mine was done at 9 weeks when I told the school
I've been waiting for my meeting with principal 🙃 19 wks pregnant and also recovering from being hit by a car beforehand so you'd think they'd want to do it by now!
Hi I’m a primary school teacher. I’ve had a risk assessment in place since around 11 weeks mine states no lifting and putting myself at risk with bending down etc. It’s something you should discuss asap really and it will be tailored to your day to day work life. Hope this helps x