Scenario opinions
I’m work in healthcare. My job is restructuring my current role, basically adding more on my workload, with unclear directions starting week on Dec 1 and setting up a time study with quality/admin in a couple of weeks to “help manage my time more effectively”. I wanted to see people thoughts on this? We’re a small team, it’s basically just 3 of us and one of us is moving departments because of this “restructure”, so really it’s just me and my other coworker and we are frustrated AF with alll these unclear changes taking effect in such little time. I have a feeling they’re trying to get us to quit or fire us, so they can save money. They already said that if one of us were to leave, they would not replace us bc of their budget.
The problem is, they had me sign a contract for 2 yrs with a sign on bonus when I started (red flag, I know NOW , lesson learned) which is up in May this year and also it’s really close to my house and allows me to be there for my kids while still work a FT job.1.) I’m literally stuck, I can’t find anything else and if I leave before May or if they fire me I have to pay that money back 😩 and 2.)even though the job culture sucks, the job itself (before they went and changed) isn’t bad and I’m still able to be home with my family at a reasonable time and pick/drop the kids off and I can’t seem to find that anywhere else right now 😭
Stay until May?