@Charlie Thanks I think payroll have got it wrong, I've emailed them
In addition to above Did you split your payments equally over the time you are off? If so then the first 8 weeks would be also be a reduced rate as they deduct some to bank for later in the leave. Definitly get in touch with pay roll asap as they will want that money back if it is incorrect
@Ceri-Ann My payments are split over 9 months. I had baby at the end of June. I think HR didn't let payroll know my updated mat leave start date
I'd personally just ring them! Not sure about your trust but I emailed them and it's been over two weeks - and I'm going off this week and I had to chase it up already and still will have to ring again later this week xx
@Amanta That's probably a better idea. I've only emailed them this evening so might give them a day or two to respond first of all. I've heard lots of women receive their forecast a week before they go on mat leave or just after! My little one was in the nicu for months so I've taken my eye off the ball a bit 🙈
Standard NHS is 8 weeks full pay then 18 weeks half pay plus SMP then into SMP only for 13 weeks. So you should see 2 months normal pay, 4 months half OMP and SMP