Single moms with no support system.

Single moms with no support system. I’m talking no family, just relying on daycare and school as childcare. How are we surviving and making money? Cause me, I’m only able to work 4 hour days 3 days a week. I’m really starting to believe that these single moms that work 2 jobs and raise kids all by them self with no support system don’t exist because HOW. I’m struggling, and not even making rent and I have no idea what to do, but going back to my children’s narcissistic father isn’t the answer. Please help, I need suggestions, work from home jobs, any advice is helpful cause I don’t know what to do. And no my children are not old enough to watch themself of each other. And I don’t have friends that can watch them while I work after daycare and school is out, so during school is the only time I can work
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I know how you feel. I homeschool through a local school district. Neither of my kids are in daycare. I do DoorDash as I can to support us. So, I get it

Yup right now it’s hard to even get a job

If you’re at risk of losing your housing and your kids live with you, try getting a hold of HUD and TANF for immediate financial assistance. Apply for LIHEAP if you haven’t already and get referrals for state-specific support.

@Mary I wish DoorDash in my area was able to support a family. But it’s not. I’ve tried twice now and only made $30 in 5 hours. And I’ve also been a deliver driver for dominos in the past and I made more delivering there. Right now I work at Target and they have been very accommodating to my schedule since my separation from my kids dad. But what I make is just not enough and my children are to small to take dashing or I would start early in the morning on my days off and work all Day and see how that worked out but it’s just not doable

How old are your kids? I worked at my daughter’s preschool until she started kindergarten and now I’m looking into getting back to be a nanny like I use to be, it’s not easy and mentally draining most of the time. There are things I would only have enough money to buy what my daughter needed and I was left eating little and not to mention I have been wearing the same clothes for years now. It’s very hard but it can change for the better also. Look into being a nanny or working at your kids school.

@Stacey 🇵🇸 I’ve already applied for TANF, it’s just waiting to see if I get approved for anything. I already have WIC and SNAP. I’ve tried to get electrical assistance and it’s only a 5% discount so it’s basically not even a discount. Like a few cents. And they won’t cover the previous balance. I applied for welfare and the worker is still figuring all of that out. I just do not know what I am going to do long term. And as far as TANF goes, they want my to do some 20hr a week volunteer BS as if I have the time for that between appointments for my children and everything else so I don’t even know if I’d be able to keep it if I did get approved for it because I don’t have 20hrs a week to give to them. If I did I’d be at my job rather than begging the government to pay my bills. 🫠

@Kayla I have a 6 and 2 year old, and then an 8mo old. And as far as working at my kids school I cant because I have an open case with DCS because of my kids dad’s abuse, and starving our baby. They basically said that I was at fault to because I didn’t leave him and I allowed him to be abusive. Even though I was stuck. So I got slapped on the central abuse/neglect list at DCS office and I can’t work with children or vulnerable adults ever again unless I get it expunged and then it’s 7 years. So basically this man ruined my life, and I’m a shitty mother because he moved me 1000 miles away from my family and friends to where I knew no one and then treated me and his children like trash and then we both get blamed because I’m trapped and don’t know what to do, and I was scared to leave him. But then when I finally leave it’s to late because all dcs could say is that I have no valid excuse because I could have asked for help. But yeah I can’t work with kids even though I’d never

Yeah with DoorDash you need to work up to 100 deliveries before you really earn anything at Platium Level. My kids are young too. My oldest is 6 years old and my youngest is 21 months old. So, I get it.

^ever hurt a child.

@Mo 🧚🏽‍♂️✨ Doula what do you do from home?

Call center work - it’s tough but I make due

@Mo 🧚🏽‍♂️✨ Doula I would love to find remote work but I don’t ever know what is a scam and what isn’t and I don’t want to fill out applications and give my info to some wack job.

I was going to suggest working at a daycare but I see that’s not an option. What about going back to school to be a CNA? Not sure if you would be temporarily disqualified from that as well. I’m sure you could get some sort of financial aid. What about cleaning houses? I recently started cleaning my friends air bnb and I usually bring 1 or both of my kids. I also recently became an independent travel agent.

@Jasmine I couldn’t be a CNA because patients are considered vulnerable adults.

@Brittany what do you do with merchandising?

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@Brittany I honestly feel so defeated right now. The mental/emotional and financial abuse from their dad was so much that it’s still affecting us even after I kicked him out and I’m having to attend so many appointments and meetings for the open DCS case for my son because they took him because their dad wasn’t feeding him while I was at work because he’d rather play a video game. So now I’m working on reunification while their dad thinks $120 every few weeks is efficient and benefits the kids. And he thinks I should just take him back. I could never. I’m originally from TN where all my friends and family still are and he moved me all the way to NH to be with his family and his family goes back and forth as to if they want to be helpful or not. Right now they are in their helpful season but i don’t hold on that permanency because they are wishy-washy. My friends don’t get it, even though one of them was in a similar situation with her abusive baby daddy. She still had family as

^support and she can’t comprehend that that is the reason she was able to escape so easily because she had the support to do so. So everything she has suggested isn’t helpful and then she gets cranky when I “shoot down her ideas”. I just don’t know what to do anymore and I can’t give up because my baby will never come home if I do that and all that I want right now is for my baby to be home with me and I can’t have that until I have financial stability and stable housing. I don’t have long to get my shit together before the state puts him up for adoption and i can’t handle that. And the state can’t comprehend that they are the reason I can’t work more hours right now because I’m having to accommodate my work schedule for their stupid meetings.

@incog omg I’m so sorry, what a pain!!

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