Returning to work😥😭

I’m due to go back in early feb next year and I’m dreading it. I have no choice but to go back full time and I just feel so guilty leaving my little one😢. No one can look after my little boy how I can and I’m just so anxious about leaving him. How are women supposed to cope with returning to work after having a little shadow for the past 9 months/year.😳😢 How does everyone else feel? Any stories of going back full time? How did you find it? And if you’re in the same situation then let’s chat because I need all the reassurance and comfort I can get😢😢😢
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I go back on the 7th Jan, and my lo is my first. Honestly, after the pnd I've suffered, I'm looking forward to returning to some sort of 'normal'. That's not to say, I'll not miss my boyo so much 😫😔

Someone posted about this yesterday. I go back to work on Jan 7th. Well I start a new job. I’ve not worked since being back in the UK and have had no access to MA etc. All your feelings are valid. We’ve been with them all this time … and then .. Change.

As you said no one can look after them like we do, I wfh and went back full time a month ago… I’m currently juggling childcare and work myself. The struggle is real😭 but we’ve got this x

@Sophie it’s just so sad to think I’ll get only 2 full days a week with him 😭😥 x

Going back full time too but not until May 2025 as I've taken the year off but already dreading it. My parents have her today and I'm already missing my shadow 😔 I work 12 hour shifts as well as a nurse so it's a long time to be away from bubba. Although I am looking forward to a bit of "me normality" and adult conversation I will miss her.

I'm dreading it, not going back until April but his aunt who will do one day a week looking after him when I return to work as we can only afford 3 days nursery had him 11am-5pm one day last week and gosh I missed him and his naps were basically non existent, he was a mess. I'm sure it will be the same at nursery no one will ever know them and care for them like we do and I'm not sure yet how to be ok with anyone else having him more kind term

I'm back to work in January, using holidays to do a phased return but then back full time in February, and I'm honestly looking forward to it. My MIL will have her on a Monday and then she will do 2 full and 2 half days at nursery, so I'll still get 2 half days and 2 full days with her. Generally, she's great with all new people and is a really easy baby as long as she's got some type of attention so I'm not too worried about her, it will just be weird that I won't be with her 24/7 and thinking of the next thing, when she needs changed or fed or a nap.

With my first I went back 4 days a week at 9 months. It’s definitely hard! We found a childminder that we loved so he had more focused attention on him and honestly he loved it. Now with our childminder I know my boy will ok even if it feels too soon 😢 there are advantages of childcare that you will find along the way, my boy was taught his numbers by the Y6s she look after as they were so determined to get him to learn them 😅

@Flo my baby will be going to nursery 3 days too and being looked after 1 day by a family member 😭😭😭I just feel like I can’t trust anyone

@Flo I’m also so nervous for babies naps/routine. He is such a routine baby and I’m just nervous he’ll be upset in the day

I lose sleep over going back to work, feels like my heart is in my throat whenever I think about it. Though I am grateful that I have such a flexible employer who have let me drop my hours and work them semi flexibly around nursery and my partners shifts. The idea of having to pump when I go back fills me with dread too 😩

@Jayde I’m also taking holiday at the end of Jan to prolong my maternity. My little one is quite good with others aswell, but he’s never been away from me. I’ve always been there… I just can’t shake this anxious feeling. I hate it😢😢

I’ve got two weeks of maternity leave left. It’s at least been longer than I managed to have with my first as I had to go back full time just before she turned 6 months. It’s difficult at first but you get used to it. It can be nice to have some time away from being ‘mummy’. My toddler loves nursery (after a hard start). I’m just hoping that this one loves it too.

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