Garden gift basket?
Gift voucher for (I don’t know what stores you have where you are) but like a gardening/tools shop? I mean we have Bunnings here and I’d grab a gift card from there as they also don’t expire and can use multiple at a time 🤷🏻♀️ Green thumb/gardening gift basket Subscription box or magazine to lawn/gardening something or other
General gifts: gift cards, dinner, groceries or household goods, gift sets. Specialized: as mentioned above, gas vouchers, gift basket of oil, cleaning supplies, lawn care, etc.
Yeah I’m thinking about maybe 250$ for Dakota Prime which is a very good steak/sushi house in town so I think it would be great for him and his 2 teens. Will also bake him Christmas cookies. About any gardening supplies he gets them 3 times cheaper than we ever can so he would scream at us if we buy something like that. :D Every spring he drops off a truck load of free compost and mulch and won’t allow us to order our own as when he quotes a job he quotes 10% of what he normally needs (which is the norm) in case of surprises so he always has extra. We got extremely lucky with our neighbors which is such a rarity nowadays.
Invite him over for dinner!! Or get him some gardening tools