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My daughter is 5 and just learned about these stuffed animals and her half sis has 4 stuffed animals from there.Husband got her one when she was a baby. Grandma got her one . Grandpa got her 2 . All when she was younger . My daughters friends talk about it and sees her sis has one so today I took her to get one . I ...
We’ve been invited to a nursery friends birthday party, for a 3rd birthday, and it’s joint with his older brother who will be 5/6. It’s our first birthday party invite so what do you think is a respectable amount to spend on a gift? And should we get something for the older brother too?
For example my mum brought me a birthday present and then messaged me asking for money for the postage and packaging? When I buy presents for people I don’t ask them for money for it.
Venting and also, I guess, wondering what others' opinions are on this; my husband has been making comments since before we had our daughter (now 7 months old) about my possessions, usually my stuffed animals but has talked about other things as well, being our kids' now or in the near future. I have repeatedly said...
They’ve charged me for sister as a 9-12 year old !! 😂😂😂
So one of my daughters favourite nursery teachers is leaving end of this month. And wanted to get her a gift from my daughter. Does this look okay?
Apparently I was supposed to clear it with mom first. She was offended and told me off and made it very personal and said that I should never gift anything without first asking her. I know me, as a mom, would appreciate anything anyone gives me or my baby because it’s a kind gesture and let’s be honest money is ti...
Please help me based on your observation with your LO, are tonies box worth purchasing?
What’s everyone doing with their books once they finished? Are you donating them? Keeping them? Selling them?
Even though we have time, I didn’t want to go into labor early and miss out on making a gift basket for my birth team! I wasn’t sure how much to do since I’m doing a birth center with only one midwife and 2 doulas but I love how it turned out!🩵 Anyone else doing a gift basket?
What did you get your baby for there 1st birthday? I have no idea what to ask for family to get her.
So me and a friend of mine are going to do a blind date book ourselves to gift each other. Can someone give me some recommendations on some cute book that I could gift? X
How does your husband acknowledge/celebrate your birthday, and how many hints does he need? It's my birthday this weekend, I have blatantly told my OH that I want a fuss and to feel special for my birthday this year and in return I'm expecting a card and a box of chocolates. Basically what he gets his own mum for h...
Have you purchased anything off etsy? If so are they a reliable, good quality trader? Or is it like a "wish" website where you don't know what the quality will be like but it's likely to be poor and not look as advertised?
Hi!! Sorry for the silly question, but for 2 years old if I give a gift card as a birthday gift how much is appropriate? I am asking because my baby has been invited for a birthday of another 2 year old, and I thought that the best solution is to give a gift card as present… since I do not know the tastes of the bi...
I don’t know for sure but I heard that instead of wedding gifts they’re asking for £100 per guest to help towards the wedding. I just wanted to know other people’s views on that
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