If you're pregnant, do you always show peak on an ovulation stick?

I dont know if its worth trying a pregnancy test. I haven't done one since 10dpo
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lh tests can read as peaks if you're pregnancy mine did 😊good luck

On here some people did a ovulation stick close to their AF and it did show a peak So good luck xx

No. Whilst you might get a positive lh test, it's not what they're designed for and isn't a definitive answer. It's also normal for lh to rise just before period. Stick to HCG if you're checking for pregnancy

@Jenny this is a negative ovulation test though. Do you mean you got a positive ovulation test the next day?

@Charley no, as per the post, I meant that this was the ovulation test the day before I got a positive pregnancy test the next day

@Jenny but it's a negative ovulation test....that's why I'm confused. So when you said it seemed to work I'm not sure what you mean

@Charley I know it’s negative? The OP was asking if ovulation tests pick up the pregnancy hormone and I said it did for me. Not sure what you are getting confused about 🤷‍♀️

@Jenny now I'm even more confused. How does this show that the ovulation test is picking up the pregnancy hormone?

As your LH and HCG show on ovulation sticks to a peak. It's the 2 hormones that also show for early pregnancy, so even though it's not ideal to relay on ovulation sticks for pregnancy, but it can give you an idea that your HCG to raising towards it. It will still show low on premom, but it will be in high numbers, I'm guessing Xx

@Charley why are you still trying to pick an argument about this 🤣🤣 no offence but the comment wasn’t for you so why don’t you just mind your own

@Jenny I'm not trying to pick an argument I am asking a question, I literally don't understand what you're saying. You said your lh test picked up pregnancy hormone, but the picture you posted didn't show that...that's why I'm confused.

Any update? Xx

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