I used to work remotely but now looking towards working at the government just ended my job in November. Pretty good pay, you can look on these two websites concentrix & kelly services. Those are two places that hired me. https://jobs.concentrix.com/ https://www.mykelly.com/
@Soon Ae i typed in Toronto as the search location and it showed me a job in New York
I can help you search if I find anything in Canada I'll post it here. I didn't put any locate just searched for Remote and anything relating to Canada that aligned with my position I applied for. Btw are you Bilingual?
@Soon Ae no have you found anything
I found one but it requesting Bilingual
@Soon Ae oh i see, thank you so much
@Soon Ae I’m not bilingual help me
Pleasute and no problem I'll keep looking for a non-bilingual position.
@Soon Ae the problem is i think thousands of either people are also going to apply to those positions so i think your efforts won’t be worth it
@Lizete lol true but honestly every job position there will be a lot of people applying for it, it's still worth the try.
@Soon Ae that’s exactly what I’m saying and that’s exactly why i don’t participate in the game
@Soon Ae at all
Get me clients and you can get paid
We all want remote so posting in a "kids" group definitely won't help much