I put my baby in a carrier so I can get some stuff done :) showering/using the loo is difficult though 😅 maybe just plan a chilled day at first x
@Joanne no not yet but that’s such a good idea, thank you so much xx
Same for me tomorrow too except she just doesn’t want to sleep full stop! Got a carrier to try but so far she hates it! Going to have to grab food when she’s relatively calm and possibly show with her in bouncer next to me…. Good luck!
My husband went back when she was 2 weeks old. I would definitely recommend getting a bouncer/something for baby to sit in whilst you do jobs/toilet/shower. My LO loves it!A sling or something to carry baby in might be useful too. Also, it’s finding your own weekday routine with your baby, it takes time but it’ll definitely help make the days go quicker!
My partner went back on Monday, I’d love to say it went well but it didn’t, baby was fussy all day & i hadn’t slept the night before but I got through it. I was nervous to be by myself with the baby incase I needed help etc but that bit was fine it was more the pure tiredness x good luck x
With the showering you might be surprised my first born was happy to sit in the bouncer with the sound of the shower - it was a comforting sound to him x
My husband went back to work Monday so that was my first day alone with baby and the toddler. I didn't have any plans for the day and made sure I had easy dinner plans. It actually was absolutely fine and not as stressful as I imagined. Have you tried a sling?