@Lucy Sundin ooh that’s interesting! Thank you x
I usually expect my cycle to be 30-32 days. Last cycle I ovulated day 18 but this cycle I’m day 19 and haven’t ovulated yet. Last cycle was a miscarriage though so I think maybe that’s making things unusual
I've just had a weirdly long cycle, I ovulated CD 35. Normally I ovulate around CD16-20. Now enduring my ttw
My cycle isn’t quite irregular but it’s not 28 day cycle. After tracking for 3 or 4 months I realized I have a 24 day cycle. The 4th month of trying I took 4 days off of the peak window so I ovulated on day 10 not 14. I got pregnant that month. So I am guessing if you have a longer cycle you’d add days and if you have a shorter cycle you take off days.