Maternity Leave- full time employment

Hi all! I started a new job in November. When I accepted the offer I was about 8 weeks pregnant so I didn’t share I was expecting. I haven’t shared the news with my manager yet but planning to do so after the holidays - early January. My employer gives 16 weeks paid maternity leave. Anyone has been on the same situation? Its giving me a lot of stress to think about that conversation in January.
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@Rebecca thanks for sharing! So glad to hear your employer was understanding of the situation.

Legally they cannot discriminate against you. They will need to accommodate you.

@Autumn downside is she doesn’t have fmla job protection on maturity leave because she hasn’t been an employee long enough

@Justin that’s true she can’t get maternity benefits but she still can’t be fired due to pregnancy.

I didn’t realize I wouldn’t get maternity benefits. I went through our internal documentation about our benefits and it says that is no tenue required. Should I chat with my HR team before I talk to my manager?

This is me currently! I was only ten weeks when I got the offer and started yesterday at 14 weeks so I’ll be having the same conversation. I work in law so I’m not too concerned with blow back, they wouldn’t want the discrimination suit and it’s legally not required to disclose as it’s not supposed to be a factor in consideration for hiring (though we know it is!). With the risk of loss most people don’t tell anyone until the end of trimester one anyway!

@Justin FMLA protection is based on the size of the employer. When benefits apply is pertinent to each job. Mine start after one month of employment. She would still likely get maternity benefits if she worked long enough prior to leave based on their policy. Most jobs it’s 90 days.

@Nika thats why I didn’t want to bring anything up during the interview process- but also because it was too early to bring it up (I hadn’t had my first OB appt yet) All I want to is come back to a job a this point 😅

@Nika that’s base per employer This is from Employees are eligible for leave if they have worked for their employer at least 12 months, at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months, and work at a location where the company employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles. Whether an employee has worked the minimum 1,250 hours of service is determined according to FLSA principles for determining compensable hours or work. So technically they don’t have to keep her job for her

My understanding is that CA offers two paid parental leave benefits for new parents: -State Disability Insurance (SDI) -Paid Family Leave (PFL) You are eligible for PFL and SDI if: - You paid into CA state disability insurance 5 to 18 months prior to your claim date - You are employed or actively looking for work -You’ve earned at least $300 from which (SDI) deductions were withheld during your base period Also, Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) provides job protection up to 17.3 weeks while you are disabled by your pregnancy or delivery. CA Family Rights Act (CFRA) offers 12 weeks of job protection to care for yourself or bond with your child.

Exactly @ Incognito. FMLA isn’t really a part of this question in CA if you’re not taking leave before 34 weeks anyway. Another reason I’ll leave the country before I leave the state 😆

The additional paid leave from your employer is based on their policy. Like my new and last job pay matches so we’re not limited to what SDI pays based on your contributions. That’s based on their policies, not law. I would look into the specifics of your new employer’s benefits requirements for eligibility since you said they offer paid maternity leave, and go from there.

Most definitely @Nika - I will confirm all of this with my employer when times comes. All I know is that our internal wiki mentions that parental benefits required no tenue. But I will check! I am more concerned about how to navigate the convo with my manager in January. Thanks for all your input 🥰

@Nika happy new year! I let my manager know I was expecting and she has been supportive of me! My work outsources the leave process with a company called “sparrow” - they have sent me some paperwork I need my OB fill out and will see how much time I can get. Hope your conversation went well as well!

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