Thank you 🤗 xxx
You can implant as late as 12dpo and then it takes 48 hours for hcg to be high enough to test. So 14 dpo would likely be the latest but you're never out until your period comes.
I started testing from 3DPO but tested positive on 10DPO XXX
Did you have any symptoms or cramps/implantation bleeding @Jasmine ? X
@Hannah no non actually not even any spotting. I started having back pain on about 12DPO I’m now 15DPO and having waves of nausea back pain is so bad, shortness of breath boobs are ok but tender to touch and going down the stairs isn’t fun 🤣🙈xx
Oh god lol. I thought I was having implantation bleeding yesterday as it looked different but I think it's a full flow with period cramps today so that's miffed me. Nevermind. It's mad how your symptoms have come after finding out pregnant lol but didn't feel anything before x
All ladies are different as cycles are different irregular/regular. Some get results 8dpo, some 12 dpo or by time first day of expected period. I start testing 3 days before expected period with a 6 day early test x