Work from home with a toddler

Does anyone work from home having a 1 year old at home too? I’m going back to work in February, my son will be in nursery but only until 1pm and I finish work at 5pm. Any advise? I want to try it because if not he will need to be in nursery until 6:30pm what I feel is too much…
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If you finish at 5 you could pick him up as soon as you're ready, you don't need to leave him there until 6:30

My husband and I wfh, but we work different hours so one of us is able to care for her. I will be honest with you, I would get absolutely nothing done if I had to work and watch her. I have occasionally had to for an hour or two, it’s pretty impossible to do anything more than keep an eye on my emails. She is normally good at independent play, but if I’m working, she wants to be in my lap, climbing on the desk, using the keyboard and the mouse, etc. If you are determined to try it, maybe try setting up your desk and get him used to being in a play pen near you while you “work” for a hour. See how he takes it. All babies are different, maybe he’ll be chill? But I wouldn’t risk ever scheduling calls or anything between 1-5pm, toddlers always pick just the wrong moment to meltdown 😅 I’d also check your contract, some employers state that you cannot care for a child during work hours. I’d leave him at nursery until 5 if that’s an option but good luck with whatever you choose ♥️

Might be worth it to hire a friend to help or pick them up when you're done if it dosnt work out well?

My husband and I work from home and have had our daughter at home part time. She does 3 days a week at nursery and the other 2 days with us. We're lucky that both our work is very flexible so if I need to spend more time with her, I can catch up a few hours in the evenings. It completely depends on your job though. If you regularly need to be on calls then you'll struggle. It's not easy and can be stressful at times but it is doable if you don't have other options. We just make sure we have plenty of easy snacks and activities planned so there are things that will keep her occupied.

Thank you all ❤️ My husband also works from home but he has to take calls so he can’t look after him but my job is more relaxed and flexible. I still need to think about it but thank you so much for all your advice, I really appreciate it ❤️

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