If you do mean the NHS, I don't think you get occupational maternity pay like you would if you were to have a full time position in the NHS
If you’ve worked enough in the year you do get some from them- I do it e tea on top of my contracted job so let them know I would be off for 12months and not to kick me off. They told me I hadn’t worked enough to get any mat pat which was fine wasn’t looking for it but if it’s your only job you may qualify x
It’s not for NHS it’s for care
If its for care and you're going through an agency you'd have to see the agencies policies ans guidelines of maternity entitlement
I work for a private care company and was on bank as I was at uni. I was told I’d have to go onto contract to get mat pay through them x
It would be for the company - Order of St John care trust…….anyone worked for them?
You mean like NHSP?