Also keep in mind xonvea is the most well researched smd studied. It is definitely safe. Suffering and dehydration are worse! I took them every day my last pregnancy and have a happy healthy baby boy. 👶
I took prochlorperazine with other tablets (xoneva wasn’t offered during my pregnancy) and have a happy healthy 9 month old. I was also petrified of taking anything to be honest to start with. Unfortunately enough time hasn’t passed for people who were affected. It’s only my parent’s generation who were born with the effects of the medication and I’m sure the impact was very real for many families where HG has been hereditary. What helped me is looking at how long it took for them to uncover the issues with Thalidomide versus how long the drugs I was taking had been being used in pregnancy (for xoneva you’ll need to look at this in the US and Australia as it’s new to the NHS, but not a new drug). If it’s just your mum who is worried ask her to contact the pregnancy sickness support heath line (or you could do it together). She’s definitely not the first person to feel worried about it and they have so much evidence based support to help you feel more comfortable.
I got similar reactions from some family members. I think it’s worth letting them know that the alternative- not taking any meds when you have HG- is potentially far more scary for both yourself and the baby. You can get dangerously dehydrated and develop deficiencies, such as thiamine deficiency and that can even kill you both. On top of that meds like Xonvea are very safe. I’ve taken it for most of my second pregnancy and my 4mo is very well :) I’d send them links to PSS (pregnancy sickness support and Her Foundation websites and ask them to read their info/ call their helpline if they’re worried about you taking the meds.