@Elizabeth Sorry, UK x
Might want to speak to HR about any policies you should be aware about regarding any paid leave (vacation, sick, maternity, etc) to leave it open ended. They should be able to refer you to the info needed
U have to have been working there for 25 weeks before ur 15th week of pregnancy I believe in the UK (so u have to be emploed for 10 weeks minimum before you can get pregnant), it's the law so it doesn't matter what ur company policy says, company policy just dictates whether u get standard or enhanced pay based on length of services. However I believe from April 2025 it doesn't matter how long u have been working somewhere u r entitled to maternity pay from day 1 of employment, so yh from ur January probation ur free to start trying x
You can get maternity allowance if you haven’t been employed for long x
If you’ve not been at your new job long you should still be able to get SMP if you’ve worked 26 weeks in the past year or something like that. I had been working at my store 25 weeks before taking maternity and wasn’t entitled to maternity pay but got SMP because I was working before. Your job will help/ explain it for you or even your midwife x
Only a week basically
26 weeks in the UK
I’m sure it’s something like 24-27 weeks before you are 15 weeks pregnant. Definitely check with HR tho x
@Elizabeth it's 620 for Canada last I checked
Mine was 25 weeks on my 15th week. About 10 weeks basically (check your work policy) however I claim the government smp. The only difference is I didn’t get the first 6 weeks at 90% of my total earnings 😞. Your employer will give you a letter explaining and to send off to apply if needed xx
You’d also need to check the company’s policy. There are legal minimums but some companies offered enhanced x
It depends on what country you're in. Canada I believe is 420 hours worked or close to 500 something around there