Can you fill the car up with any amount of money?

Or do you need a full tank and a specific amount?
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Yes I recently passed my test and feel like I’m entering a minefield!

I think about the scene from sorry to bother you when he’s like can I get 23 on pump 2 and then he puts down 23 cents😂😂😂

There is usually a minimum purchase, in Australia at least. But it's really small like 2 litres.

I just pay with my card and pump until it's full but I don't think there is a minimum. Ive seen people put half a gallon in before. I think a good rule of thumb is keep it above half just in case of an emergency or you can't fill it for some reason

@Chante' lmao something I can definitely see myself doing 😂 also praying it only costs that much hahahaha

@Kylie how much would half cost? I think that’s my concern I guess. Like how many miles for what price etc 😭

It really depends on the vehicle and the cost of fuel. A full tank can cost anywhere from $35-150. My car cost $50 to fill but I get around 450 miles on a full tank but my old truck cost 75 to fill and I'd probably only get 150 miles if I was lucky. And the price of gas changes all the time so that has to be taken into account too. My current car averages around 35-45 miles a gallon tho while my old truck averaged 9 or 10 miles a gallon

You just watch the price counter as you fill up and stop pumping when you reach the amount you want to spend. My sister used to do £5 a time when she passed her test

My husband is really anal about cars (he’s a car guy). He doesn’t let the car run out of gas or be on E because for 1) it’s bad for the car 2) overall inconvenience. I did it ONCE, never again.. I didn’t hear the end of it 😅😭 If it’s at a quarter tank, it’s $60 to fill for our ‘09 Honda Accord but we also use V Power as others may use regular. My husband said, we get around at least 200 miles on a full tank.

Most petril stations have a minimum volume (usually 5 litres for a can) and you have to buy the minimum. After that though you can fill up as much as you want or don’t want.

Well see, I used to just fill up whatever I fancied, whenever my diesel light came on. But then I got an airlock and my car just immediately cut out with my son in the car (thankfully I'd just pulled off of the motorway) which the garage said was due to constantly letting my tank get low of diesel and allowing air to pull through instead of fuel. So now I don't do that anymore 🤣🤣

Depends how broke I am 🤣 £12 has gone in before, but also a full tank at £78 isn’t always affordable when pay day is ages away

I accidentally bumped specific miles, meant to to any amount, no minimum

We just plug our cars in and we are good to go. No gas.

We have electric cars now. But when I had gas I just put in whatever amount I wanted. Most of the time I only filled it the whole way of if I was going on a trip or had a lot of driving to do.

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Yes you can do any amount. If you give them too much $ you can always get your change back. One time I had to put just 5 bucks in because I had forgotten my cards and was out of gas 😂

Any amount. But All depends where you are and what car you have to how much you get for your money £20 can half fill my tank at the moment I’m in uk

Can you have someone go with you for your first time pumping gas

@SquishyMommy1 I’m not that rich yet 😂

In the US, you can either go to the cashier and request a specific amount to be put on your pump and it will stopwhej it reaches the amount (or if it doesn't need as much as you paid for you can go back in and get the balance back). Or, you can watch the meter. It will increase the cost and the amount as you watch and you can stop whenever you like at any amount. Good luck!

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