Hello! I worked on a high risk unit for years, I would set up a meeting with any pregnant staff asap after finding out. We were able to revoke certain duties from pregnant staff as there was still lots they could do to support without actually handling risky drugs/bodily fluids. I understand that might not be the case on a chemo unit though. I vaguely remember it being an opt in/opt out policy, the risks should be explained and it should be decided between you and your manager what you’re comfortable doing and what you’re not. How long has it been since you emailed? If it’s been a while then it might be worth sending a follow up to let her know you’re worried about it. A self referral to occ health is a good idea too 😊
@Channon Thank you! I have spoken to my manager and she said the risk assessment will be done in a couple weeks. Hoping next week it will be sorted but it’s been suuuuper busy over the Xmas period
Oh good, fingers crossed it’s sorted for you soon! I hope you have a supportive manager. If not then don’t feel pressured into anything and don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. I’ve heard some horrible management stories in the past.
I’d search your staff intranet for the policy, most trusts have a policy for pregnant members of staff handling chemo drugs, take a look at that asap. Hopefully your manager will get in touch asap, if not I’d be inclined to speak to pharmacy for guidance
I recommend emailing your occupational health team as they’ll have advice available for you and also you will need a pregnancy risk assessment completed, it will contain all potential hazards for you and you can discuss with your manager how to reduce risk x