Hey, I’m also pregnant with my first, I had no sickness at all during my first trimester but started being sick from 14 weeks and the nausea was awful! See if your gp will give you some anti sickness tablets, they’ve worked wonders for me🥰
Yep! Whole way through. Has got better but sometimes I will randomly want to throw up :(
My sickness started at 12 weeks 😢
I see no end. Its been constant. Currently 15 weeks
I was nauseous all day every day in the first trimester but now in the second I’ve started actually being sick nearly every day. I’ve also got very intense acid reflux now which I’m very much not enjoying 🥲
I was nauseous most of the days in the first trimester and have been more sick in the second trimester. I’m 15+2 weeks x
This is my third baby and I've never been so sick before. Literally my stomach can only digest certain food. 15+3 and can't see light at the end of the tunnel yet.
I have been exactly the same, hardly had any actual sickness during first trimester and then from 13 weeks I’ve been sick every other day…
Yep, sickness is still here… hoping it goes soon!
I wouldn't say more but I'm 15 weeks and still quite nauseous and sick every now and then