My two boys done at 10 weeks were both correct.
I just got mine back after taking it at 9 weeks and 4 days! It should be pretty accurate at 10!💕
just did my NIPT test at 10 weeks 6 days, haven’t gotten my results yet but i’ve done some research and they are always correct apparently
Got mine done last pregnancy at 12 weeks and was correct and getting this one done on the 30th I’ll be 10 weeks 5 days
does anyone know how long it takes or how long it took for them
@Angelina mine took 7 days
Mine took exactly 7 days! But my OB said it could take up to two weeks!
She also said you only need to be at least 9 weeks🥰 technology is awesome!
@Audrey including or not including weekends?
@Audrey cause i got mine on christmas eve so i can’t even count christmas cause it’s not a business day
I got mine done on the 20th! So it was over Christmas Eve and Christmas and it came exactly 7 days later (yesterday the 27th)
And it was on a Friday so yes including weekend!
@Angelina I got mine done on 12/23 and got the results today!
Thanks everyone!!! 😊
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Trusted by 5M+ women
i hope i get mine soon!
got mine today it’s a boy!
A true NIPT test should be completely accurate since they are looking directly at the genetic codes... sometimes they won't be able to give an answer because of chromosome issue or deletion in you but otherwise you should always get an accurate result.
Both of my NIPTS with my last two were correct