Hey girl! I’m a mother baby nurse and we have mostly high risk patients with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Our patients go on to give birth and have healthy beautiful babies with no issue so, while it’s hard to not stress, the best thing you can do is to not stress. Just take it easy and try checking your pressure in the morning and before bed to reassure yourself. Now, if you have a severe headache that doesn’t go away with rest, ice, medication etc that’s probably going to be an ER trip for preeclampsia. Just listen to your body and know that you’re gonna do great and baby is gonna be healthy and perfect 💕💕
I had the exact same (also had a miscarriage)! High risk and multiple appts a week (not the gallbladder issues). It was very scary but my son is now 4 months old and perfect. My health is on the up trend and I feel a million times better. Hang in there! If you want to chat feel free to DM me!
Being high risk is stressful! I have been high risk since my first appointment and seeing an MFM because of the type of twins I'm having (mo/di, sharing a placenta). I am at higher risk for preterm labor and other complications, so a c section will be scheduled at 36 weeks. I've navigated this whole pregnancy knowing that they could come as early as December and have a long NICU stay and the uncertainty of it all is stressful. The extra appointments are harder on my schedule but reassuring every time. It will be such a relief when babies and I make it through this pregnancy safely!
The wording the medical people use is unhelpful. There was some question of me being high risk earlier in my pregnancy (was having contractions at 25 weeks) and the best piece of advice I have for you is to ask your OB to be specific about what you are high risk of? Pre-term delivery? I can see you’re 28 weeks. At 25 weeks, your baby has an excellent chance in the Nicu (chat gpt showed me baby’s increasing chances in numbers as each week passes). A colleague with the same due date as me had her babe at 28 weeks and mother and baby are doing great. Gave me a lot of peace. High risk of a c section or other interventions? High risk of needing to be induced because of the hypertension? That’s pretty common and your chances of a healthy delivery in that case are VERY high. Then once you know what EXACTLY what you are at high risk of, you can figure out the numeric risks (if that helps - helps me) and make peace with the interventions they are saying you are at high risk of. HTH x