You and your baby are priority. Your baby won't be well if you are not well. Your husband can cook and clean too. You need to rest to look after baby and produce milk so your role is more important than anything right now. If your husband says anything just tell him to grow boobs because your work is not starting at 9 and ends at 6 is 24 hours in a day. Looking after a baby and breastfeeding is more demanding than a formal job.
@Alina my partner helps me a lot and cooks and cleans but when his at work I still have to cook for myself but can barely tear myself away from the baby so I’m worrying about how it will be when his not here to help me.
Make lunch the night before so you only need to warm something up… wear baby if you need to, this helps a lot… no set any expectations - if you don’t shower or get dressed, that’s fine… you’ll get into your routine soon. My partner would bath baby when he came home to give me a break… even though you are breastfeeding, dad can still change baby in the night etc
You just do 9-6 and all time is you and baby. Cleaning is not important. When he is back he needs to take over including nights. You mamma need a good sleep and nap every time baby naps 😊 Prep meals on a weekend so you can just reheat
@Klaudia lol so you want dad to do all night times and still go to work etc everyday? I agree obviously he needs to help but that seems unreasonable
There’s lots of really good high protein pre-made meals out there. On the wknds try and meal prep so your freezer is full and you can just grab something and reheat it. You just unfortunately have to accept a bit of mess around the place unless you can afford a cleaner
@Lauryn I don't think that's unreasonable at all. At work you are child free (unless he is working in school) and your job minding a kid is far more important and you need to be well rested for that especially if you are breastfeeding. But you right everyone does what works for their family that's how mine functions I am just sharing my experience.
Baby wear as much as you can, let the housework and tidying up fall by the wayside a little and prioritise you and your baby. You just find a rhythm that works for you, it takes a little time but you’ll get there x
@Klaudia if she’s EBF her partner doing all the nights just isn’t possible even if he wanted to. I agree with nap when the baby naps though! I didn’t do that enough in the early days
I lived off of freezer food and ready meals for that first part where you can't leave baby's side much
@Klaudia if she’s breastfeeding then her partner can’t do night times anyway 😂 He should definitely help but his job is also important to provide for them all financially.
@Lauryn I hear what you are saying I am also EBF but my husband is handing me the baby and taking him away and changing nappy putting him back to sleep so I could feed him while half asleep without waking up. Again everyone does what works for them.
A sling will be your best friend. Plan meals and prep when he’s off. Cleaning can wait and he is more than capable before and after work to put a load of washing in or wash the dishes! With my singleton hubby would do the last feed at 11 and first feed at 6 and I’d do the night feed so I’d go to bed a bit earlier and get up a bit later (very differently with our twins and we have one each so we’re both sleep deprived 😂) obviously this won’t work if you exclusively breastfeed but being up half the night unfortunately is something that goes hand in hand with breastfeeding and you just have to nap in the day when baby naps. That would be no different if he didn’t work
Honestly you'll be fine. You just prioritise and cleaning tends to come last. Your partner will still have to do his part despite going back to work so it's not all on you. Try and do things when the baby is sleeping