@Sally-Megan I love this, thank you 🥰
Totally 👍🏻 hoping some of the upcoming antenatal classes and birth planning appointment help appease some of my worries. I kinda knew I’d feel like this though. Think it also just feels a lot more real now! X
@Claire yes I am hoping for the same. I knew I’d also get like this and I think it’s only natural. Feels very real 😂 xx
I hear you ladies i’ve felt very overwhelmed especially over Christmas and just cannot imagine life being so different forever. Very much mourning/grieving the life we will be leaving behind and the responsibility of raising a human. Lots of second/third time Mumas have been leaving lovely reassuring messages about the transition ❤️
I am similarly terrified. So far my body seems to have stemmed the fear of being pregnant with hormones etc but the actual physical birth... I still have no idea how I'm going to deal with the lack of control! You're not alone! I'm going to try and write a plan and just have a thought for every possibility so I can use that to feel a bit more secure. Xxx