@Emma It's definitely possible, a man I work with works from home full time with two children and does a part time university degree on top. I work on large scale infrastructure projects like highways and bridge construction. I have no family and partner works full time aswell and my baby is incredibly easy. My daughter currently plays on her playmat for 2+ hrs per day.
That’s amazing your child can play independently for long stretches! Good luck :)
I'm planning to do the same. You could set up a play pen with a variety of different sensory toys and change them around after a while so she doesn't get bored. Are you required to take a lot of calls during the day? I know my job requires for me to be presenting and talking on the phone quite a bit so I'm worried about managing that with LO.
@Sidra no, I mostly deal with numbers, design and emails so minimal calls thankfully. The ones that I do attend are mostly just for information so not required to participate only listen. so I'll be using them calls to play with my daughter and ovbs listen. ☺️ I have purchased a playpen/large travel cot which had a cover on it so it looks like a dolls house. I'm getting her used to it. And I have just purchased a totter+tumble mat so she has a large safe play area.
Depends on the job, I wouldn’t have thought it’s possible to care for a baby and work full time without some additional help like a childminder or family. My experience of 9 month olds is that independent play is only possible for very short bursts! (Sorry if I’ve misunderstood your meaning). I’m also going back to work when my baby is 9 months and we’re using a combo of childminder / family / my partner.