TMI but need reassurance!

Hi guys I'm 9+2 weeks and this week I've suffered with bouts of diahorrea (sorry tmi) and put that on top of 24/7 nausea and vomiting. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any diahorrea in first trimester? Also is anyone else just struggling with the constant nausea - I am stuck to my bed cause of sickness :(
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My twin had and she ended up in the hospital to be pumped full of liquid, so even if your feeling bad make sure your drinking lots and lots of liquids. Like electrolytes liquid stuff. Gotta stay hydrated. Sorry your going through this. Hopefully it'll stop ! Mine ended around 16 weeks.

Thank you for your reassurance and message, yes I've been keeping myself as hydrated as possible! Same with previous pregnancies I only find myself feeling better around the 14-16 week mark.

Sounds like something you probably ate.. I wouldn’t worry just drink lots of water.

Yea like i said my twin had all of that the first trimester. The difference was shed rather sleep and wasn't getting enough electrolytes or anything so def stay on top !

It's so odd, it's as soon as I eat my breakfast or dinner I'm having to race to the bathroom. Midwife has just texted me not to worry too much as it's all the fluctuating hormones!

yes! i have random episodes of diarrhea. i assume it’s just the hormones x

Gosh it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one, thank you for your reply!

Yes same here. All part of hormones doing their job 😉

Yes! I thought it was some dodgy food I’d kept eating and couldn’t work out what it was as it kept happening no matter what I ate. A positive pregnancy test then explained it 🤣

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