Hi Kelli. I'm so sorry for your losses, you seem ever so strong. I am praying for you. The anxiety is sky high especially when you've had a missed miscarriage - all my sickness continued despite the MMC which was the worst deception of it all. Even if you have bad morning sickness you're thinking - is everything ok? We will definitely come out of it with a beautiful baby in our arms, so long as we never give up hope!
Yeah, I had a mmc in July d&c in August and the start of this pregnancy was obsessively testing etc. I'm 9 weeks now and I've started to relax a bit. I'm still checking daytaze miscarriage reassurer often but mainly trying to keep busy.
With you mama it’s so hard! I try and allow myself to hope anyway. I had therapy and one thing that really stuck with me is that I will feel the same grief if something were to go wrong no matter what my mindset is during the pregnancy, so I may as well allow myself to try and enjoy moments of it and be excited. Otherwise I’m just carrying all the anxiety and stress and sadness with me before anything bad has even happened (and it might never happen again at all). Sending love, we are in it together xx
Yes feeling extremely anxious too, had two miscarriages this year, last one was MMC in September and my symptoms so far have been minimal which is worrying me. Got an early reassurance scan tomorrow when I will be 7+5 and just expecting the worst again. Hoping it all goes well for all of us xx
Yup… same here. Week 11 now, my last scan was at 8 weeks and it’s annoying to wait until 12 weeks. I feel the wait between scans are SO long… nerve wrecking. I had a missed miscarriage and continued to have the symptoms so I had no clue. This time I’ve been having nausea all along but symptoms stopped few days ago. Now worried since I don’t have nausea anymore. Even if they say it can be normal by week 11. I try to stay as zen as possible, one scan at a time. And stress is not good for baby so that motivates. Good luck and don’t give up 🤗
not a MMC but i did MC at 16w 6d in June this year and i dread thinking of having to reach that gestation again, i am a high risk pregnancy this time so will have extra checks around that time but i don’t feel like it eases my anxiety any less
I'm so sorry to hear all of your stories and knowing we're all going through the same emotions too. What I've been telling myself today is that nothing is in my hands, not even our own lives and so we must take everyday at a time. We are all so incredibly blessed to be expecting again and so our flame of hope is ignited again. So many women have miscarriages and haven't yet had that positive pregnancy test. I'm now at the 9 week mark and having another early scan end of this week. I am so frightened by this scan! I had my MMC coming to 3 years in March and this is my first pregnancy since then. Good luck to us all, we absolutely got this.
I had a mc at 17 not trying to get pregnant, then never got pregnant again until i started trying at 19. I had My first mmc I found out at 12 weeks, followed by a healthy baby, then I had a chemical followed by a healthy baby and then mmc at 8 weeks followed by my current pregnancy. So fingers crossed it follows the trend. 😊
I’ve had 3 miscarriages and the anxiety is horrible x
Hey. Thinking of you, pregnancy after loss is so hard. I have had 3 miscarriages in the last year - the last one was a missed miscarriage in July. I am so anxious, scared to hope but trying as hard as I can to be positive as I want a good pregnancy experience with my baby and to look back on this time in a happy way, but I am so anxious underneath the surface. Every time I need to use the loo I am terrified that I will find blood. My 2nd miscarriage happened at 11-weeks, so I know I will feel this way until we have a positive 12-week scan, if we get that far, and it will probably be hard to let go of the anxiety even after that. Praying for both of our babies, and everyone in our boat ⛵🙏🏼