Returning to work

Hey mums, When is everyone returning to work and what’s the plan regarding childcare? ☺️
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I’m returning on Feb 3rd to a new job. I’m doing 20 hours a week 2 full days and 1 half day. He will be going to a childminder literally a 3 min drive from my house on the 2 full days and my mum will have him the half day, however she does live abroad part of the year so my childminder has flexibility to have him on the half day when she isn’t in the country x

@Elena omg this sounds like the perfect set up every mums ideal situation! I was made redundant whilst on Mat leave so looking for something ideally no more than 25ish hours per week! Very difficult x

@Jerina I wanted 25 but they offered me the half day on the Wednesday and I just thought the other half can be my ‘me’ time x

I go back full time on the 3rd of Feb for 3 days going to the nursey that's onsite where I work, both me and my partner work from home 2 days a week,and we have family on hand to help xx

@Jerina you can be made redundant on maternity leave? Didn’t think that’s legal

I’m going back full time on shifts. Partner works early mornings Monday to Thursday. Little man will be going nursery for two mornings and my mum will look after him in the morning if I’m either sleeping from a night or we are both at work. Some weeks she won’t have him at all and sometimes it will be two mornings so not too bad

Back to work in Feb full time. Little one will be going to nursery. Will be an adjustment re: family time for all involved.

Going back to work full time on the 22nd of April. I have recently asked whether I can use my mat annual leave as one day off during the week and to work from 6am to 2pm instead of 9:30 - 5:30. LO will be going to nursery full time x

I’m going back first week in February, going 3 days a week until Easter and then back on 4 days. Baby is booked in nursery, will be organising some trial days in the new year

I'm going back beginning of Feb, part time. I don't really know what I'm doing for childcare until I can sort out what my shifts will be.

I'm going back to my role before pregnancy in may 48-60 hours a week (full-time) . Baby will be with childminder all day and husband will be picking him up. Husband is a teacher so he can manage his hours a lot better. In the meantime, i will be looking for other roles as it is not ideal but, that is the plan for now.

@Carla if you are looking at getting a childminder or nursery these need to be booked and deposits paid months in advance just a pre warning x

I'm going back full time in April. My shift pattern is 2 on 4 off though so my girl will be in nursery near ours 3 days a week as that's all we'll need 😌 she starts in March to get her used to it before I go back full time!

Returning 31st March, having to go part time 4 days a week, mum is having her 2 days and nursery 2 days (£256 a month with funding and tax free childcare) and then one day off with me a week x

@Elena I won't be getting a childminder or nursery, it's to expensive. I'd be working mostly evenings anyway. My MIL and husband will have her mostly but MIL can't have her if both me and my husband are working evenings as we both finish late and she lives in a different town to us.

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@Carla I see just checking as some people don’t know and then have stress on their hands x

I’ve just spoke to work about extending my mat leave, as my parents are away when I was due back end of Jan and they were going to have have my son full time so I’m hoping to go back full time 14th april instead but will be have to be full time as we can’t afford it! And will send my son 2 days nursery which will be covered by the 15 hours free my parents have him 2 days and my partners parents have him for 1! So anxious about going back though it’s been playing on my mind a lot recently! Not to be cheeky but how did people figure out how much they’d get working part time instead if they’re on a salary based job, are people getting benefits too and it works out good as working full time?

@Crystal I’m going back 2.5 days a week and claiming UC aswell and I will make more money than returning full time.. hence why I’m doing that 😂 if I returned full time and paid full time childcare I would be worse off x

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