Thank you! Mine says it was accepted and would be paid into my bank in 10 working days … hmm x
Bear in mind we have had one weekend and 2 bank holidays, so that will affect the number of working days
Sorry I miss read I saw mine pending in my account before I had a letter. I also didn’t get a text just the letter. Maybe Christmas has delayed it.
What’s that?
Yes thank you Kirsty. It’s been 11 working days excluding the bank holidays- very frustrating ! Thank you for your reply though :) x
I had a message saying 4 weeks from the date they received. They send my form back as they said I missed something. Once I sent it back they said 4 weeks again. Took 6 weeks then was told I needed to pay some Class 2 NI. I had already ask if I had any due. HMRC sent me a letter 10 working days later to pay NI and then got the rest backdated a week later.