@Charlotte the makes me feel better, I don't think it's a bad thing and not judging at all I just have some people pushing me to work I think it's making me feel like I'm doing something wrong
Whatever you do as long as it’s the right decision for you and your family, it’s not wrong :)
I'm a sahm too. Worked a few days after a year maternity, but hated it! So didn't go back. Also my daughter won't be going to nursery, as its not needed. So honestly there is no reason to feel guilt hun
I stayed home until lo was 19 months it was the best 19 months of my life, I have had so many negative comments so I also felt like I was doing something wrong but how is being with your baby a negative, try not to worry about what others say
@Sophia thank you so much x
@Kate thank you x
I'm a SAHM too. I can relate to the weird feelings! Remember as someone else said that nursery is not needed. Nursery has advantages but kids do really well when they're with their parents. Obviously some people have no choice and nursery won't damage their babies but there are lots of benefits to being with mum all day.
I’m also a SAHM they wanted me to do late shifts from 4-11pm so I refused due to wanting to be home for my little girl and they said there was nothing left for me so I handed in my notice and got my holiday pay on top that was last year though
Honestly I wish I was a SAHM, but we can’t afford it, I work 5 days a week and LO is in nursery 2 days a week, but thinking of dropping my hours to 3 days if we can afford it 😊 absolutely do not feel bad for being a SAHM, sometimes I feel it’s more hard work than going to work 😂😂 xxx
@Elle aww bless you yes I worked for nearly a year when he turned 6 months with me and my partner switching out week days and me working every other weekend and think it almost destroyed us 🙃 just decided I needed a break but now it's been a few months and we're going to be at the point where our savings are gone I'm feeling stressed about a decision, I don't want to go back to work but life is so expensive 😅 xxx
Maybe a part time job, just a few days a week, I found it so hard going back full time straight away 😊 xx
I’m also a SAHM as I was made redundant before I was due to go back. I also have guilt that my little one isn’t in nursery at times, but we do a couple of groups each week and go to a nursery stay and play on a Thursday just to get him used to a nursery environment. I absolutely Iove being home with my baby and whilst it wasn’t in my plans to be a SAHM I’m milking it for as long as I can and soaking up every second because they won’t be this small for long 🥹 Xx
I’ve been a SAHM the whole time, aside from 3-4 KIT days when I wasn’t sure if I was going back or not. I don’t feel guilty!