Should I send my baby to nursery? More details below…

Appreciate I am in such a lucky position so I’m really sorry if anyone finds this upsetting if they have no choice ❤️ I quit my job towards end of pregnancy due to severe health anxiety. When my baby was born we booked her into nursery for 2 days a week from February 2025. We had no idea what our needs would be at the time. Now it’s approaching I just don’t know whether it’s a good idea or not. My plan is to find a job for the 2 days a week that she’ll be there, but there will be no financial gain to our household. We just felt it would be good for her to be at nursery for socialising and development etc. Just wondering if we’re doing the right thing or whether I should delay it until the summer? Her starting nursery will also now be coinciding with a house move and building works and I’m worried it’s not the best time. But equally don’t want to mess the nursery about and us lose a place as places are hard to get where I live!! Again totally appreciate I’m in such a fortunate position. Just feeling so anxious and unsure what to do for the best for my little one!
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I think a little bit, what do you have to lose by trying? you could (both) gain something. Even if the the thing you gain perspective of is that you don’t want to send her to nursery after all, then you could withdraw her. My baby is in nursery 2 days a week and is with grandparents the other two days. I’ve definitely said on multiple chats that if I could be at home with him, I would without hesitation, but if I’m honest, if I still had to work 2 days, I think the nursery days would be the ones I kept up. I’m a teacher, so have been off for the Christmas holiday. When nursery has been open, like today, we have sent him to nursery for just the morning to keep routine and so me and my husband can actually have some time together (we’re having a lunch date today!) and that’s because I know he he genuinely happy and progressing at nursery and they take such good care of him. There is no right and wrong here. But you could try and decide it’s not for you and that’s okay xx

We are in a similar position and are sending out little one for three mornings soon. We’re keeping an open mind and seeing how it goes :) but I’m hoping he’ll really enjoy it and it’ll be a great addition to his schedule!

I think as Emily said, what’ve you got to loose. I work so my LO goes in 3x AM a week and she loves it! She gets so much out of it, far more stimulating for her than what she got from me when I was on maternity - and I used to take her to 2/3 groups weekly. You said you’re moving and doing building works, those two mornings will come in handy for you to crack on with things without having to worry about your LO. Admittedly if I could afford to have her off with me I’d have never put her in, but looking at it now it’s so beneficial for her.

I found my baby starting nursery hard for the first couple of weeks but after I'd say 3 weeks she absolutely loves it. She's developed so much in that time and loves being with the other children and to be honest even though I'm working it feels like a bit of downtime for me. You've nothing to lose so give it a go. Your baby may love it and you might also too. Might also be handy having more free time whilst your house move is going on. And 2 days a week is a small amount anyway so will feel fairly gradual. But no right or wrong I'm sure little one will be happy either way

If I could wait I personally would wait until my baby was 2 or 3. I just think it’s a better age and they can communicate with you so if anything is wrong they can tell you. That’s just me though, everyone has different views on it.

I'm about to return to work 3 days a week and my baby will be in nursery for 1.5 days. I'm a bit nervous about it but I'm sure he will be fine as he is very sociable and independent already. I think it will do good for us as I can be myself for a bit outside of being a mom. I think it's good for them to be around other children and they'll develop quicker then staying at home with us all the time. If you can and want to do it there is no harm and you can still change your mind if it's not working for you. :)

I think you should definitely send her to nursery. It will give her the chance to be in a social setting plus mingling with all the other kids is great for them. I have two kids (one 3 next week and my 1 year old) and they both go to nursery part time and LOVE it. They also get to do stuff there which they wouldn't at home i.e sand pits, play with Shaving foam etc. My 3 year old doesn't even say bye now. He just runs in! Xx

I was in the same position, I went to get her started on two days and fully backed out. I don’t love the idea of her being in nursery whilst she still needs nap and is becoming used to solids. I take her play groups instead

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