I've had 3 miscarriages and I'm sorry to say the stress doesn't leave until second trimester (for me). Seeing the heartbeat this time helped immeasurably though because my losses have all been before 7 weeks and didn't get to that point. Try to focus on gratitude as much as you can. My faith has been a huge help for me. Hope you feel more comfortable after your appointment
I’m unfortunately in a similar boat. I’m scared of losing my baby now because of a miscarriage about a year and a half ago but I keep thinking about the things I didn’t know in my first pregnancy as short as it was and I also learned that most miscarriages happen because of a chromosome deficiency and it’s not as common to have a second miscarriage unless there are other medical issues underlying
I lost my first too in a miscarriage. The second one was perfect. I was told that miscarriages in the first pregnancy are way more common than people realize. I know it’s devastating and you will be on edge the whole pregnancy(I was). I am pregnant again 7wk1d and I’m nervous to reach 12 weeks. It’s a devastating loss that we experienced so anxiety is normal. I wish you all the luck. ❤️