Not all GPs offer fit to flys anymore. My GP doesn’t anymore and recommended I contact a private GP, I did and it would have cost me £150 for the consultation and then an additional £120 for the certificate if I was deemed fit. I couldn’t find any insurers who would cover me past 28 weeks x
It’ll be very difficult to get a fit to fly from your GP once you’re in the third trimester. Many will say don’t risk it or if you do it’ll effect insurance x
Depends on the airline too. Some have rules where they don’t even accept a fit to fly after a certain point in your pregnancy. They just don’t want to risk you going into labour onboard.
My GP wrote me a fit to fly letter when I was 24-28 weeks. They would only write it at the time and it would only count for a few weeks. It was £15 and I was quite amazed that the GP (who I’d never visited before) was writing me one without ever seeing me! There were a couple of factors that made me think I may not be able to, but they did, I didn’t end up going anywhere. I personally wouldn’t travel on flight after 32 weeks, 34 at a push but that’s just me! If it’s a trip you want to do then all you can do is ask but it will probably depend how long you’re there too as I didn’t think you could fly after 36 weeks? But don’t hold me to that! X
I don’t think you’re able to fly after 36 weeks so you’d need to make sure you get home! I was low risk and managed to get a fit to fly at 27 weeks but I was told by the airline I had to be back home by 32 weeks so just make sure you check with the airline you’ve booked too what there rules are.
Every practice is different annoyingly so it would depend on your midwife/ gp/ hospital whether they would provide one. I wasn’t high risk and was flying at 23 weeks and nobody would provide me with one so my only option was to go private to get one