New job

I’m considering not going back to my job after 9 years (shock) I know.. but since having my LO I would just rather working from home. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do with a job to work at home. I’m open to anything!
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Ive decided the same thing but after nearly 15 years! 🤣🤣

Wow! I don’t feel so bad then leaving a job after 9 years lol.. have you started a new job already?

🤣🤣 life is too short, took me nearly 10 years trying to have her and I dont want to pay someone else to look after her just to go back to work full time! I've started looking to see what's out there at the moment, she's nearly 10 months so want to do it when the full year of mat leave ends

I totally understand you! My thoughts exactly 💯and congratulations to you! I do hope you find something

I work from home and even then I'm considering not going back after maternity leave lol

Oh lol @Niece have you always worked from home?

I have for the last 4 years but it can be very stressful if you let it spill over into your leisure time. It depends what you do of course x

@Niece I'm going to look for something part time that works around my husband but in the meantime be a stay at home mum 🤣🤣

Become a childminder?

@Kayleigh I wish I could be a SAHM but we can't afford 😢

@Kayleigh 1 yeah maternity leave? How 😭 that’s amazing

What kind of work were you doing before? Can you find a remote job in the same field?

I was hairdresser.. I could but I just want a complete change. Tired of doing the same thing @JL

@Niece luckily husband got promoted while I am on leave so money won't be too tight. Will still be a struggle but it's a risk I'm willing to take at the moment 🤣🤣

@Yoda yeah in the UK we get 12 months off! It's not paid in full though. So I had 90% of my wage for the first 6 weeks, then onto SMP (statutory maternity pay) until 39 weeks, then remaining 3 months unpaid so we saved some money so I could have the full year

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