@Mohannahas that makes sense ! I wish I didn’t have to work full time at least for now while he’s little. I do get what you mean.
Part time wouldn’t be an issue tho. So I would def do that.
I am a stay at home mom, but I like making a lil income.
@Mohannahas agreed!! sahm for 3 years so far and I CRAVE adult interaction most days... some money of my own would be nice too
@Alyssa I saw your profile that you were a former paramedic! Was this before your kids? That’s a cool job field
I am but I realized very quickly that I don’t like not doing something. I took up a few new hobbies one turned side business. I have absolutely no desire to go back to a “job” though
Im a SAHM because I can’t really make enough for there to be enough after childcare for it to be worth it. Financially it isn’t EASY for us, but I’m way happier being home wit them and passing up a few luxuries, than having them away. However, staying home isn’t for everyone.
I see a few mention not feeling like they have their own money. I don’t feel that way, my husband and I are very open about finances. For example I wanted to switch to wood utensils to get away from plastic and it was a little pricey, but my husband has no hesitation with the purchase when I mentioned it, same with when I want or need new clothes. He always says I can get what I want or need. So I guess maybe if you stay home establish a really clear boundary that you don’t need to always ASK for what you want to buy. You’ll hopefully will still feel like you have your own money.
@Rachel I mentioned something like that, but it’s not that we aren’t open with our finances or he doesn’t spend money on me, it’s just I personally love to know I worked for the money that’s coming into my paycheck and not just have my husband work for us. I only would do side gigs and nothing that would make me have to put my kids in daycare. I just get bored of being just the primary parent and not having something else to do. I feel better making my own checks from time to time
I would be a stay at home mom with the kids in daycare part time/school yes. And pursue passion projects in spare time
I’m a stay at home mom and love it!
I’m a stay at home mom and love it! But I will say financially we are good so we have funds for us to go on outings once or twice a week. It definitely helps that I’m able to get out of the house and not stress financially
@Mohannahas same!! And it’s not about asking for money. I have plenty of my own money saved and my husband would never say no to anything I want. I just genuinely enjoyed all my previous jobs and it gave me a sense of accomplishment and ambition and it was something for me. Love being a SAHM it’s been great, I’ve been doing it for close to 3 years but I’m ready to go back to work. I’m waiting till my second kid is 1 though.
My job keeps me sane. I would work at least part time. I start to lose track of time when I’m home all the time.
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@Nikki exactly! My husband and I both agree on finances before anything is brought. I just got my hair dyed. So getting things isn’t really the issue it’s just having the idea that I got to work for this money. Plus I have a big work ethic. I gave myself four majors and two minors while still working even though I really didn’t need to due to scholarships. I just like to work and do something. Plus it’s nice to have something that has nothing to do with the kids or my husband. The job is just mine.
I am a stay at home mum, and yes, money is extremely tight (we didn't do it because we were more than comfortable, that's for sure). Just having our son born with medical conditions and neurological conditions means we have constant appointments and treatment and everything else, and meetings with school are just hectic, so it would be very hard to find a job willing to give me so much time off especially when my son is sick he can be off from 2 weeks to 6 weeks depending on the illness etc so I'm very thankful my partner works and get to spend time and effort on my son and get to talk to his doctors and therapists.
No, but I had 14 months of maternity leave so I guess I kind of got that experience? Now I work four days.
Yes. I was for 21 years.
We have like the opposite issue in a way - finances aren’t a problem, but my salary is too high to justify becoming a SAHM instead of going back full time. Luckily I like working and am not the type who could handle SAHM life anyway. But I would definitely prefer to be part time
No… Love my job as an eye surgeon too much It’s a great privilege and I worked too hard to just give it up.
@Allie same. I’m not giving up this amount of money and amazing healthcare.
I just really enjoyed sitting on my ass all day and not working 😂😂😂. Man I miss that
Im a SAHM and Im starting to run my own business part time. Not having adult interaction is really hard but I don’t want a regular job anymore lol
I’m currently a SAHM and I miss working so much. It’s nice to see my kids and never miss anything but I miss earning my own money, getting to leave the house and be around adults. Do something that is just about me and not me as a mom or wife. If that makes sense.